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  • Nathalie Tamman

Journal: Imagiphor...Spring Break Edition

You probably took some photos on your Spring Break....briefly look through your camera roll (yes, on your phone) and find 3 images to share (you will post them to a blog post with explanations after sharing them with peers in class):

1. The first image is ICONIC of your break...that is, if you could sum up your entire 2 weeks in one photo, what would it be?

This is me chilling near the hotel by my house with my friends. This sums up 90% of my vacation!

2. The second is a VISUAL METAPHOR - find a photo that could be a metaphor for something - for example, an abstract concept like "hope", "resilience", "fear", or "love". Visual metaphors have no right or wrong, as long as you are able to defend why it is so.

I was walking around my neighborhood during spring break and I was just thinking about all the things I had to do (schoolwork, birthdays, etc.) I looked at the odd STOP sign and I thought that this is God telling me to stop worrying and to live in the moment and enjoy my spring break. I would not have noticed the sign had it not been oddly slanted like this. The rest of my vacation was very fun because I just stopped my chronic worrying and lived in the moment.

3. The third image is a VISUAL METAPHOR RELATED to the LITERATURE WE ARE STUDYING - you could choose something that relates to a character or an idea / theme in the work. For example, something that's a metaphor for "ambition" (Macbeth) or an image that's a metaphor for "isolation" (Kokoro).

I feel like this represents Sensei in the novel "Kokoro" by Natsume Soseki because beneath the dark shadows and clouds there is beauty and purpose in Sensei.

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