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  • Nathalie Tamman


"Tea is, in fact, a marvelous drink. To those who spurn it on the grounds of insomnia, I say that it’s better to be deprived of sleep than of tea.”

“Under the sun the couple presented smiles to the world. Under the moon, they were lost in thought: and so they had quietly passed the years.”

“The very color of the air in the place I was born was different, the smell of the earth was special, redolent with memories of my parents.”

“Watch birth and death:

The lotus has already

Opened its flower.”

“It is painfully easy to define human beings. They are beings who, for no good reason at all, create their own unnecessary suffering.”

"From this observed behavior a major psychological truth about this race of forked destroyers may be deduced: that, just as nature abhors a vaccuum, makind abhors inequality."

"The artist, even when imitates nature, always feels himself to be not a slave but a demigod."

"Some say that life has no form, that it is extremely diffuse. I think I can agree with them...A life without conclusions is painful."

"Into the field of

Yellow flowers

The red setting sun!"

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