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  • Nathalie Tamman

Journal: Loneliness in the Modern Age

Updated: Mar 14, 2019

Journal: Loneliness in the Modern Age

This journal is based on a quote from KOKORO.

"Loneliness is the price we have to pay for being born in this modern age, so full of freedom, independence, and our own egotistical selves" (pg 30, Sensei)

Write about your thoughts on this what ways, for example, does social media in our time perhaps isolate people as much as it connects people? Does it augment our egotism? Are we "together" but "alone"?


Social media gives off this false notion of connection, when in reality users are looking into an inanimate object for enjoyment rather than interacting with the person right in front of them. Humanity has become so stupid to find joy in something so superficial like posting a picture taken of someone jumping in mid-air on the beach. The sad part about is the person jumping in the air may look happy, but they probably have their share of problems. Society has become so narcissistic that people only share posts that promote themselves. People aggrandize themselves through their online versions of their false masks/projected self image with the intention of making their social status more credible. Social media is just one big advertisement; it's false. Human beings were made for other human beings, not for iPhones.

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