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  • Nathalie Tamman


For today's journal you will answer one of the prompts your peers suggested.


Choose a card from the bowl. Whatever card you get, consider it serendipity. Be sure you write down the author of the prompt's name in your journal post.

There are three question prompts - you may write about 1 or all of them. If the questions prompt is not open-ended enough, you can make it more open-ended by explaining why you think that way, for example, or perhaps by elaborating with a story.



Author of Prompt: Joey Correa

Question: When will climate change fully destroy the world?

I hear that if the world doesn't change for the better by year 2040 then we are all doomed. Climate change is a fact. People who say that they do not "believe" in climate change just use their "beliefs" as an excuse to deny this horrendous shift in the world. hat surprises me the most is that the U.S. is the only country on Earth that have people who deny that climate change is happening. That's why the U.S. backed out of the Paris Agreement. I attribute their denial to stupidity and greed.

Climate change will destroy the world if we do not do something to stop it. We need to become eco-friendly in all aspects. The U.S. needs to make national and local laws regarding the conservation of the planet or else we will no longer be a superpower; we will all be dead. Hawaii has been doing a good job of conservation, and I think that the rest of the world should follow Hawaii's example.

If people continue to use excuses just to gain money then climate change will continue, however if the entire human race considers their relationship with the place they live in then climate change will not be an issue.

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