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The Proust Questionnaire

Nathalie Tamman

Updated: Mar 11, 2019

1.) What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Picnic in the garden.

2.) What is your most marked characteristic?

My smile

3.) What do you consider your greatest achievement?

My garden

4.) What is your greatest fear?

The dark

5.) What historical figure do you most identify with?

John F. Kennedy

6.) Which living person do you most admire?

My Aunty Renee.

7.) Who are your heroes in real life?

Jesus Christ, my Uncle, and my little sister.

8.) What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

That I mumble.

9.) What is the trait you most deplore in others?

Trying to be the best

10.) What is your favorite journey?

An expedition.

11.) What do you consider the most overrated virtue?

Work as hard as you can.

12.) Which word or phrases do you most overuse?

Totally, like, um, actually,

13.) What is your greatest regret?

Being mean to my little sister.

14.) What is your current state of mind?

Blurry and tired

15.) If you could change one thing about your family, what would it be?

If everyone lived together peacefully

16.) What is your most treasured possession?

My Bible.

17.) What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?


18.) Where would you like to live?


19.) What is your favorite occupation?

President of the United States of America

20.) What is the quality you most like in a man?


21.) What is the quality you most like in a woman?

Strong, but not rude.

22.) What are your favorite names?

George, Rosemary, Charles, Vivienne

23.) What is your motto?

Make the world a better place.


The questions I struggled with the most were #23 because I do not really have a motto, but I have wishes that remind me of my goal. #2 was also a difficult question to answer because I am not really sure what my most marked characteristic is; it may differ from the way I see myself and they way other people perceive me.

The answers I will probably change in 5 years include #17 because my lowest depth of misery will no longer be in high school since I will already be out of high school, and into college where I can choose most of my classes which I am interested in. #14 will also change because my state of mind is always different depending on my mood. #3 will hopefully change to something more grand as I learn more things. I hope my answer to #4 will change in the next 5 years because it would be so lame to be afraid of the dark when I am 21.

The questions I had an instinctual reaction to and could easily answer were #1, #5, #6, #7, #10, and #12 because I think about those answers throughout my day. For example, I know what I consider perfect happiness because I have experienced perfect happiness. To me, perfect happiness has its flaws and that's what contributes to the perfection. I remember this one time my sister and I were having a picnic at our garden and a bee kept bothering us. My little sister, being afraid of bees ran away from the bee, but it kept chasing her. She ran into a tree because she was so scared and her forehead was bleeding. It was hilarious. That was a perfect moment, and she would even agree just because we could laugh at it even though it was flawed.

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